Privacy Policy is an online store selling products and services via the Internet. is the property of BOURNOUS TOOLS, which is based in Aliveri, Evia, Tamyneon, 34500.

The purpose of the company is to provide you with the most accurate information about your rights and obligations and to ensure the best possible service during your purchases from the online store of

The protection of privacy and individual rights of our customers, when you visit our website plays a key role in facilitating the safe use of our site. When you visit our site and make purchases, register as a member or come in contact with us through it, then personal data is collected, processed and used. With this data protection information, we want to emphasize our commitment to managing your data securely and reliably and to clarifying how we use our customers' personal data. We comply with the provisions of data protection legislation.

Competent legal entity

The company "the name of your company" is a responsible legal entity in the light of the legislation for the protection of personal data.

For any question or request please send an email to

What is personal data?

Personal data is information that can be matched to your face. These include, for example, information such as name, address, e-mail address and telephone number.

In addition, during each visit to our website, further data is automatically collected for technical reasons, such as the IP address provided by the Internet access provider on your computer to connect to the Internet, or information about the website from which you visited our site, or in relation to the web browser used by you (technical information). This technical information may, in individual cases, constitute personal data. As a general rule, we use technical data, however, only to the extent necessary for technical reasons, for the operation and protection of our website against attacks and abuse, as well as in anonymous form for statistical purposes.

How we use your personal data

We collect, process and use your personal data, especially when you visit the website, when you register, when you log in as a member, or finally when you place your order. We use your data only in accordance with the applicable legal provisions and this privacy policy, as well as with your consent, as appropriate.


When you visit our website, the following are stored for technical reasons in the so-called logs:

    - The IP address (Internet Protocol address) of the access computer

    - The website from which you visit us (recommendation)

    - Our websites that you visit

    - The date and duration of the visit

    - Browser type and browser settings

    - Operating system

This data is stored to protect data processing systems against unauthorized access, as well as to monitor the proper functioning of the site.

Use of cookies

We use the so-called cookies on our websites. Cookies are necessary for the smooth operation of the website, for example, for the connection of members and the management of the cart. These cookies are temporarily stored on your computer and are transmitted only to our server when you visit our website.

You can view and delete cookies stored on your computer and control how cookies are generally handled through your web browser settings. You can get more information on this topic from the manufacturer or through your web browser's "Help" feature. It should be noted that the operation of the website will be limited if the use of cookies is not allowed.

Use Google Analytics

The website uses Google Analytics, an online analytics service offered by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies", which are text files stored on your computer, to help the website analyze how the user uses it.

The information extracted by the cookie about your use of the website in general will be transmitted and stored by Google on servers in the USA. Your IP address will be truncated by Google, but only within the EU Member States or other Contracting Parties to the European Economic Community Agreement. Only in exceptional cases is the full IP address sent and shortened by Google servers in the US.

On behalf of the Website Provider, Google will use this information to assess your use of the Website, to compile site activity reports, to site administrators, and to provide other services related to its activity. website and internet usage on the website provider.

Google does not associate the IP address transmitted by your browser with any other information in its possession. You can refuse the use of cookies by selecting the corresponding settings in your browser. You can further prevent the collection and use of data by Google (cookies and IP) by downloading and installing the available browser add-on via the following link:

As an alternative to adding the browser or between mobile browsers, you can install an opt-out cookie by clicking on the link here, which blocks your future Google Analytics data when you visit this site. The function persists until the cookie is deleted. If the cookie is deleted, it is enough to revoke the link again.

For information about Google Analytics terms of use and data protection, visit the following pages:

We use Google Analytics to evaluate data from the Double-Click cookie for statistical purposes. You can disable the use of this cookie with the help of Ads Manager by logging in to the following link:

We also use Google Double-Click Display tags to support online advertising and to analyze your use of our site. These tags are not used to transmit personal data to Google Double-Click. Details of the management of your data by Google Double-Click, the use and deactivation of the relevant cookies can be found in the data protection policy of Double-Click: en.

We also use Google Remarketing, a Google advertising service that allows previous visitors to the site to receive targeted advertising. Uses repeat marketing between devices with Google AdWords and DoubleClick. If you agree to Google linking your web and navigation history to your Google Account, Google uses information from your Google Account along with Google Analytics data to personalize your ad and to create targeted group items for repeat advertising between devices. As a Google user, you can format your ad settings and turn off personal ads in My Account. Additionally, you can block data processing by Google by downloading and installing the available navigation add-on via the following link:

Skroutz Analytics

Our company, in order to be able to provide the best possible quality of services to the consumer, uses the Skroutz Analytics service. Through this service, anonymous usage statistics are published on, while the data obtained through this service are covered by the privacy policy of, which can be found at

Registration, connection and order

When you register and log in or place an order or when you are logged in and attempt to place an order but do not complete it, we collect, process and use the personal data and information you provide to us within the framework of applicable personal data protection legislation character. We may use the details of the products and services when you try to order, in order to contact you with the details that you provided to us during your registration, in which case you provide us with your consent. The information we request from you, in order to make the services you need feasible, are marked as mandatory fields in the forms. Other information is optional. For the conclusion and execution of the contracts, we request, as the case may be, contact information such as the name, the address for delivery and invoicing, as well as information about the payment method that you have chosen. In addition, we use your data to maintain our customer database so that only relevant data is stored there. In order to avoid typing errors and to ensure that the items you have ordered have actually been received by you, we check that the address you have entered is written in a complete and accurate manner.


We store and use your data when you contact us by telephone, e-mail or through our contact form, or when you wish to send us information in any other way and therefore forward your data to us for this purpose.

In addition, we store and use personal data and technical information, to the extent that this is necessary to prevent or prosecute abuse or other illegal behavior on our website, e.g. to maintain data security in the event of attacks on our computer systems. Finally, we store and use your data, to the extent that we are legally obliged to do so, for example in the light of a formal directive or a judicial or other decision of the Authorities, as well as to safeguard our rights and claims, and to legal defense.

To whom do we transmit your personal data?

For the smooth operation of the online store, various service providers work for us, e.g. for IT services or the hosting of the website or for the payment and delivery of the products, to which we transmit the necessary data (eg name, address) for the fulfillment of their duties.

We transmit data to third parties in relation to the execution of contracts in the following cases:

- For the delivery of goods to transport companies and postal service companies, as defined by the placement of the order.

- For the payment of the goods to the payment service providers that you specify at the completion of the order. In case of payment by credit card, it is made through the Bank you have chosen. In case of payment via PayPal, it is made and processed by the company PayPal (Europe) S.àr.l. etCie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, no. Commercial Register: R.C.S. Luxembourg B 118 349. In case of payment via electronic bank deposit, it is carried out and processed by the Banking Institution of your choice, namely: National Bank of Greece SA, Alpha Bank SA, Eurobank Ergasias SA, Piraeus Bank SA.

During the payment process, we do not record or store payment information in this transaction, such as credit card numbers or other bank or other information. You provide this information directly to your respective payment service provider only.

Data Security

The security of your personal data is a high priority for us. We therefore make every effort to protect your data, which is stored with us through technical and organizational measures to effectively prevent loss or misuse by third parties. To protect your personal data, the data is transmitted in encrypted form. At the same time, the technical safety measures are regularly monitored and, if necessary, adapted to the respective prevailing technology standards.

Your rights:

1. Right to information and access to data:

You have the right to gain full access to your data, after contacting our company.

2. Right of correction:

You have the right to request from our company, after communication, the correction of inaccurate data as well as the completion of missing data that concern you.

3. Right to restrict processing:

You have the right to ensure after contacting our company the restriction of the processing of your staff with the exception of data that we are obliged to process by law (eg tax).

4. Right to object to processing:

You have the right to object to the processing of your data (with the exception of data by law) especially when it comes to for "profile" training or for direct marketing purposes.

5. Right to be forgotten:

When you no longer wish to have your personal data processed and retained, you have the right to request its deletion, subject to provided that the data are not kept as required by law (eg tax).

6. Right to data portability:

You have the right to receive or request the transfer of your data, in machine readable form, from our company to another under specific conditions, if you wish.