Various Legal Information

Limitation of liability: Given the nature and volume of the Internet, under any circumstances, is not responsible for any kind of damage suffered by the visitor / user of the pages, services, options and contents of on his own initiative. does not guarantee that the pages, services, options and contents will be provided without interruption, without errors and that errors will be corrected.

Also, does not guarantee that the same or any other related site or the servers (servers) through which they are made available to users / members, do not contain "viruses" or other harmful components.

Intellectual & Industrial Property Rights - Trademarks

Except for the expressly mentioned exceptions (copyrights of third parties, partners and organizations), all the content of, including images, graphics, photos, drawings, texts, services provided and generally all the files of this website, constitute intellectual property, registered trademarks and service marks of and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions and treaties.

Therefore, none of them may be sold, copied, modified, reproduced, reposted, uploaded, transmitted or distributed in any way in whole or in part.

The exception is the case of the individual storage of a single copy of part of the content on a simple personal computer, for personal and not public or commercial use and without deleting the indication of their origin from, without affecting in any way the related intellectual and industrial property rights.

The other products or services mentioned in the web pages of this node and bear the marks of the respective organizations, companies, associates, associations or publications, are their own intellectual and industrial property and therefore these bodies bear the relevant responsibility.

The user / member understands and accepts that he is not given the right to reproduce, copy, sell, resell and / or commercially exploit in any way all or part of the content of

Force majeure: If for reasons of force majeure (eg bad weather, strikes, etc.) it is not possible to deliver the products to you within the prescribed time we will inform you via e-mail, in order to tell us if you wish, under them the conditions, the completion of your order.

COOKIES uses cookies so that we have access to certain information every time you browse with a web browser in our store.

Cookies are small text files that are stored on the hard drive of each visitor / user and do not receive knowledge of any document or file from his computer. Each cookie contains a sequence of characters which is sent each time by the browser used by the user.

They are used only to facilitate the access of the visitor / user to specific services of such as order status, personal settings (eg express order settings, member functions), storage of items in the cart, etc.

They are also used to analyze the use of the site and the display of targeted ads to specific users.

Cookies do not store information that can personalize the user, but personal information that is stored on the website and relates to users / visitors can be linked to the information that is stored and can be obtained from cookies.

The website of, in addition to the cookies that are necessary for its smooth operation and the purchase process, uses cookies from,,,

Depending on the browser you use you can refuse the use of cookies.

For example:

· In Internet Explorer (version 11) you can bypass cookies by selecting Tools-> Internet Options-> Privacy-> Advanced.

· In Firefox (version 39) you can bypass cookies by selecting Tools-> Options-> Privacy and then selecting "Use Personal Settings for History" from the drop-down menu and unchecking "Accept cookies from websites".

· In Chrome (version 44) you can bypass cookies by selecting the "Check and Customize" menu and then Settings-> View Advanced Settings-> Content Settings, and then "Prevent Sites from Specifying Items" in the "Cookies" option.

· In Safari (version 5.1.7) you can bypass cookies by selecting Preferences-> Privacy and then

To permanently suspend the use of Cookies: Safari does not allow any website, third parties or advertisers to store cookies and other data on your Mac. Some sites may not work properly because of this.

Allowed Use by All Websites I Visit: Safari accepts cookies and website information only from the websites the user visits. Safari uses your existing cookies to determine if a user has visited a website in the past. Selecting this setting prevents the storage of cookies and other content on the Mac from sites whose embedded content is on the sites the user visits.

If you wish you can delete the cookies stored in your browser (this may cause problems in your browsing)

For Internet Explorer (version 11) see the procedure at:

· For Firefox (version 39) delete cookies by selecting Tools-> Options-> Privacy and then selecting from the drop-down menu "Use Personal Settings for History", then "View cookies" and then "Remove all cookies"

· In Chrome (version 44) you delete cookies by selecting Check and Customize-> Settings-> View Advanced Settings-> Clear Navigation Details and then "Cookies and other website and linked data" and then "Clear Navigation Details".

· In Safari (version 5.1.7) you delete cookies by selecting "Privacy" in the preferences. Then Blocking cookies-> Groups and Advertisers-> Details-> Delete All.

In case the visitor / user of the specific services and pages of does not wish the use of cookies for his / her identification, he / she cannot have further access to the shopping services of our store.

Modification of the present terms: reserves the right to modify or renew the terms and conditions of transactions.